The trend for high-protein products has well and
truly taken over the cereal aisle. All the big brands have jumped on the
band-wagon, and there has also been an explosion of several minor brands who
are all trying to stuff us with their protein-heavy products, whether it be in
the form of oats, flakes, crunchies, crispies or shakes. It's now mainstream,
and you can't get away from it. Latest to land on the shelves in Sainsbury's
are these brightly coloured porridge pots from Oomf! Each pot delivers over
20g of protein (equivalent to 3 WHOLE eggs) and provides a hearty and
nourishing meal to go. Currently available in three flavours (Banana, Golden
Syrup and Original), they contain xylitol instead of sugar, and they use only
natural flavours. For example, the Banana variant contains ground banana
£1.30, Sainsbury's

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